As one of America’s leading servo motor repair companies, Servotech’s Baumuller motor repair services are designed to return your servo motor to “like new” condition – like the day it left the factory. Our certified staff of technicians is dedicated to the highest quality Baumuller servo motor repair and refurbishment, with rush, 2-day servo motor repair services available.

Baumuller Servo Motor

Baumuller offers a wide range of electric servo motors in a variety of motor sizes, torques and configurations. Our team has the expertise to perform any type of Baumuller servo motor repair – including the repair, replacement and testing of cooling jackets in high torque brushless motors – a service which many of our competitors cannot provide.

Many customers have chosen a Baumuller servo motor for its energy efficiency and low lifecycle costs. Ensuring that your motor is performing optimally is critical to maintaining performance. At Servotech, we have decades of experience servicing and repairing Baumuller servo motors, and we provide the knowledge, equipment and factory drive quality testing that ensures our servo motor repair will return your motor to peak performance.