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Servo motor repair is a specialized challenging field. Servo repair techniques and procedures are often the result of companies who have researched through trial and experience. Servo motor manufacturers like to model their business after the automotive industry: constantly pushing new product lines, innovating year after year, and encouraging the sales of newer, faster and more precise machines.
Find Authorized Servo Motor Repair
A lot of companies out there throw around terms like “Qualified Servo Motor Repair Center” or “Official Servo Motor Authority.” It is a strategy in search engine optimization to favor certain words and phrases. There is no harm in turning a phrase, except when it is deliberately misleading.
The questions is: “How can you determine if a repair shop is a legitimate authorized servo motor repair center? Is it possible to confirm affiliation with a servo motor manufacturer?” When it comes to servo repair, the shortest response is usually – no, they are not authorized, and they are not affiliated!
Third-Party Servo Motor Repair Shops Are Rare
Most manufacturers of CNC machines, and by association servo motors, are not interested in having third party shops repair their equipment. Companies like Fanuc and Mitsubishi do offer repair but at prices that promote buying new servo motors and machines. Because large manufacturers do not find it cost effective to repair their equipment, they just don’t. Additionally, they have no interest in certifying other companies as authorized servo motor repair facilities.
Authorized Servo Motor Repair Claims
Beware the use of servo motor factory logos on websites. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to copy and paste an image of a logo and incorporate it into a website. This can lead consumers to misconstrue a false connection between the motor manufacturer logo and the servo motor repair company. Never assume that a logo is the equivalent of a factory certification.
Some companies use phrases like “Master Servo Motor Repair Center,” and “Primary Servo Motor Repair Center,” to make an implication that there is some connection between the servo repair shop and the servo motor manufacturers they repair. Using language to mislead a customer into choosing a service on false pretenses is dishonest.
Perspective can be difficult to maintain, especially with a machine down, and the need for quick action.
Misleading Claims:
- “Qualified Specialist Repair”
- “Official National Authority”
- “Master Repair Center”
- “Primary Repair Center”
Most manufacturers of CNC machines are not interested in having third-party shops repair their equipment. If you see one of the above statements from your servo motor shop, they may not be a truly authorized servo motor repair facility.
Truly Authorized Servo Motor Repair
Servo motor repair, like any other industry, has its leaders who thrive on the quality of their honest work. At Servotech, it has always been our mission to exceed customer expectations and servo motor manufacturer standards. Many of our servo repair processes result in a servo motor that is better than a brand new one from the manufacturer.
During our years in business, we have earned the distinction of being an actual authorized servo motor repair center for some of the world’s biggest servo motor manufacturers. We maintain factory drives, rigorous procedures and the very best servo motor repair procedures to maintain these certifications.
Servotech Provides...
As one of North America’s premier servo motor repair shops, Servotech has been recognized by leading manufacturers for our quality and service. We have proudly earned official certification from major servo motor manufacturers for our repair and refurbishment services, achievements that very, very few servo motor repair companies can claim. We service over 100 major servo motor manufacturers with the best servo motor repair services.
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